There was Sage Advice,
So Listen to Your Mama
Baby Girl and Little Sonny:

Avoid adults with Too Much Money.
They’re so self-sufficient,
They won’t ask your two cents on Anything.

They can’t shine unless it’s sunny,
And wouldn’t call you Sweet
Even if you bathed in Honey.

They’re happiest when Giving Chase
To men who, for financial gain,
Never really run away.

Females flush with gnashing teeth
Will crash any stash who’s out of cash,
Then Pursue a Wall-street Wolf
Who’s official trade is “Trade in Money.”

Sadly, these girls offer Such pitiful returns,
They’re often returned home,
Where they Cheshire sweetly-smile
And sleep on unlimited Money Piles.

What’s the Moral of this Cautionary Tale?
It’s not simply
Don’t burn another’s cash, nor is it
Don’t be bilked of your pocket stash.

Rather, it’s:
Don’t Let Others Treat you like Trash.
This is the Moral which spurs
Most folks to finally Dash
Empty-handed but returned


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