Refusal is UnRemoval


With your refusal to clarify
Your intentions and lies,
I’m left to conclude
YOU desire the removal
Of ME from your mind,
Heart, soul, and life.
Damn! Your refusals,
They cut like a knife!

AFTER the constant roasting and toasting
From your brazen, brutal ghosting
And refusals to answer
Have grown my own
Queries into cancer,
The end result is confusion
Mounting delusion,
And delusions of mounting,
Mounting the always pestering,
Urgent need to relieve
The love mounting in ME!

Since NEVER spilling from me,
Its backup is killing me!
These are the many,
Too many to count,
Ways your refusals
Deny and discount
My pleas for you to simply release
Your store of love FOR me
Actually TO me
Since it’s now overdue me!

I’ve said it all before,
And I’ll say it all again:
Your refusals are a ruthless,
Ineffective and useless
Means YOU use
To over self-defend.
But I promise your refusals
Can’t cause our love to end.

They simply just condemn
Us to share this love
During a different phase,
On another stage,
In another age,
Or in a different time-continuum
On an extra-galaxial plane.

When and once There,
I’ll seduce your mind
And make you mine
The very instant
We lock eyes to discover
We’ve uncovered one another
In our Next Life.

On that glorious day,
Though I won’t know your face,
What I know without a doubt
Is I’ll twist and I’ll shout,
As the hole in my soul
Is finally made whole
The moment I meet your gaze,
As I immediately discern
What I long-ago learned
And for years have yearned:

Your soul’s familiar shape.


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