All of my suicide attempts were delivered distantly by the sadistic and narcissistic “rare box office statistic,”
Highly successful (but secretly UNRESPECTABLE) actor, Keanu Charles Reeves!!
HE gives ME the ANTIFREEZE HEAVES, so I can’t believe he’s the same “nearby creep” I let seep into my quiet life 2 years ago.
No one believes me when I try to warn that K.C. Reeves, aka “The Beloved One,” is a filthy scum who LIKES TO HURT INNOCENT GIRLS!
And for the life of me, quite literally, I cannot see how old and traumatized ME can inform THE WORLD of his many dirty deeds, but I’ll give it a twirl (though I just want to hurl…)

Please be aware that I’m always scared because Reeves is a killer “IN REAL LIFE”…or at least in the life that’s MINE!
He specializes in the violence of silence and is therefore a subliminal criminal who needn’t be present for his crimes.
His signature technique is a super-stealthy hack job used by the uber-wealthy, guaranteeing they never serve any time.
It sounds like crazy trash, so why must I weep and gnash MY teeth sounding HIS slickly-inserted, justice-perverted claim:
There’s a fast-approaching day when we’ll all chant and say “CRIME ALWAYS PAYS‼️

I only know that, after 2 years of knowing the guy, I spend MY time counting the ways to die…
For the FIRST and WORST time in my formerly-hopeful life!
This guy who plays a hitman in cinematic hits didn’t care when he hacked ME to bits!
I’m currently too weak to speak and I’ve been maimed, so it’s Mr. Reeves half of WE who now boldly proclaims:

“I’m currently playing a WICKED GAME only the opulent and plush can play.
It can kill in a rush or whenever you’re ready,
Insuring guilty hands needn’t stay steady.
It provides a cast-iron alibi for cowardly guys doing dirty deeds distantly and instantly.
In fact, you can easily ditch a ‘nagging bitch’ without leaving a snitch.
The only hitch and the only itch is ONLY THE RICH CAN PAY.”